Unraveling The Knots: Stark and Medicare Reimbursement Principles and Intertwinings
Recorded July 15, 2014
In the last three years, a number of very high profile cases have resulted in massive false claims and Stark violation verdicts or settlements. In more than one instance, advice of counsel had been sought, but proved ineffective. One of the biggest problems we see in the advice some lawyers give on Stark is that they really don't understand the implications of Medicare reimbursement principles to what Stark prohibits and allows. Given the draconian impact of enforcement, it is clearly time to revisit some of the lurking pitfalls in the connection between the Stark law and Medicare reimbursement principles. This is particularly important for hospitals and health systems now employing physicians, whether directly or in affiliated groups. Whistleblowers are increasingly targeting Stark violations; and the new cases make it clear that the bar to entry for them is fairly low. This means that relationships between hospitals and physicians as well as within physician groups are at risk. Now is the time to review what you are doing in light of today's increased exposure.
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This focused, one hour teleconference will offer 45 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of Q & A addressing:
- Understanding the differences between profit sharing and productivity in a physician group.
- 'Incident to' services and how they matter under Stark
- Supervision issues in in-office ancillary services
- How non-physician practitioners fit
- Understanding the distinctions between reassignment and purchased services
- Understanding the distinctions in the anti-markup rule and Stark's approach to independent contractor physicians
- .....and more