- Gosfield, “The Stark Statute: Parsed, Probed and Panned,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2024 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Reuters Company, pp 428-474 A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Shay, “Does ChatGPT Dream of Electric Sheep? – Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2024 Edition, in print)
- Shay, “An Inside View of HIPAA Enforcement,” Compliance Today, (June, 2024)
- Shay, “Ongoing Best Practices for HIPAA,” Dermatology World, (March, 2024)
- Shay, "The Realities of HIPAA Enforcement," MGMA Connection, July 12, 2023
- Shay, “The Physician View of Employment Agreements,” Dermatology World (July, 2023) pp. 40-42.
- Gosfield, "Quality Fraud: Gathering The Threads”, HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2023 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Shay, “HIPAA Enforcement On the Books and In Reality: When It All Goes Wrong,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2023 Edition) WestGroup, a Thompson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Shay, “The Realities of HIPAA Enforcement,” PA MGMA Pulse Newsletter, February, 2023
- Shay, “Five Myths about HIPAA,” Dermatology World (November, 2022).
- Gosfield, “Pitfalls to Avoid in Physician Compensation Models”, Family Practice Management (Sept/Oct 2022) pp. 23-28
- Shay, “Switching EHRS: Common issues and lesson learned,” Dermatology World, (July 2022) pp. 52-53
- Shay, "Finding An Oasis In The Food Desert: Legal Issues In One Social Determinant Of Health" HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2022 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, "Coping With Merging Streams; Legal Issues In Physician Compensation," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2022 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Shay, “A Deeper Dive into Contracts for Residents,” AAD DermWorld – Directions in Residency, (Winter, 2021), p. 1, 3.
- Shay, “Voluntary Repayments: Contractual Clawbacks,” Dermatology World, (November, 2021), pp. 48-49.
- Shay, “Legal Ease for Residents: Social Media,” AAD DermWorld – Directions in Residency, Fall, 2021, p.1, 3.
- Shay, “The 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule: Remote Services and Diagnostic Testing Supervision Changes,” Compliance Today, June, 2021. Copyright 2021 Compliance Today, a publication of the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA). Also available here.
- Shay, “Business Associate Agreements 101,” Dermatology World, July, 2021, pp. 36-38.
- Shay, "The Lure of Foreign Shores: Outsourcing of Overseas Health Care Functions," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2021 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, "Billing Company Contracts: Accountability and Pitfalls," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2021 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, "The Ins and Outs of Billing Company Contracts," DermWorld, (Nov 2020).
- Shay, “Electronic Health Records After the Contract Ends: Avoiding Pitfalls,” PA Pulse – Pennsylvania MGMA Newsletter, June, 2020.
- Shay, “Maintaining Medicare Enrollment: the Never-Ending High-Hurdles Race,” NAMAS Payer Rules, February 28, 2020.
- Shay, "Navigating Spaghetti Junction: The Intersection of Medicare's Diagostic Testing Rules" HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2020 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, "Paying Physicians for Cancer Care," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2020 Edition) WestGroup (in press) a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, co-author with de Brantes, Bluhm, Kolodziej and Rutledge, “Redesigning Oncology Care: A Look at CMS’ Proposed Oncology First Model”, Health Affairs Blog (Dec 16, 2019)
- Shay, “Maintaining EHR Records Access – Legal and Technical Risks” NAMAS verdict
- Shay, “What Are the Legal Risks Associated with Social Media and Online Review Sites?” Dermatology World, November, 2019, pp. 40-42.
- Gosfield, “Heightened Peril From Physician Audits,” Compliance Today, (January-February, 2020)
- Gosfield, co-author with Bluhm, de Brantes, Emanuel, Koldziej and Rutledge, “Redesinging The Oncology Care Model,” (2019)
- Shay, “Medicare and Non-Covered Services,” Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law, October, 2019, pp. 5-19.
- Shay, “Stark, Diagnostic Testing, and Group Compensation,” Compliance Today Magazine, September, 2019, pp. 16-19. Copyright 2019, Compliance Today Magazine, a publication of the Health Care compliance Association (HCCA).
- Shay, “The First Employment Agreement: Common Clauses and Practical Tips for Residents”, Dermatology World Directions in Residency, pp. 1-3, Summer, 2019.
- Shay, “Peering Through the Haze of Medical Marijuana Laws,” Dermatology World, July, 2019, pp. 36-38.
- Shay, “Key Questions and Answers for Medicare Voluntary Repayments,” KZA Blog, April, 2019.
- Shay ,“The Ongoing Ordeal of Maintaining Medicare Enrollment,” Dermatology World, March, 2019, pp. 22-23.
- Shay, “Maintaining Medicare Enrollment Data: Managing the Ongoing High-Hurdles Race” Compliance Today, January-February, 2020.
- Gosfield, "Beneficiary Inducements: What’s Permissible?", Dermatology World, Nov 2018, pp. 32-33
- Shay, "The Medicare Part-B Enrollment Obstacle Course: It Hasn't Gotten Any Easier," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2019 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, "Physicians End Running the Payers," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2019 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, "Patient Inducements: The New Dos and Don’ts," Family Practice Mgt, July/August 2018, pp. 16-18Shay, "Shining a Light on the Sunshine Act," Dermatology World, July, 2018, pp. 26-28
- Shay, “Managing Social Media Risks,” NAMAS Weekly Practice Tip, May 18, 2018
- Gosfield, "The Challenges in Part B Voluntary Repayments," The Verdict, NAMAS, May 2018
- Shay, "Voluntary Repayment Clauses in Employment Contracts: Employer and Employee Perspectives," PA Pulse – Pennsylvania MGMA Newsletter, February, 2018
- Gosfield, "Permissible Beneficiary Inducements," BNA Health Law Reporter, 27 HLR 528, 4/12/18
- Gosfield, “Lessons Learned from Leasing: A Blueprint for Hospital-Physician Alignment,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2018 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Shay, “Physicians Switching EHRs,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2018 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Shay, “Social Media and BYOD: Legal Risks for Physician Practices,” PA Pulse – Pennsylvania MGMA Newsletter, September/October, 2017.
- Shay, “Physicians, Social Media, and ‘BYOD’: HIPAA Risks and Compliance,” Compliance Today, December, 2017, pp. 46-50.
- Shay, “Opting Out of Medicare: How to Get Out and Stay Out,” Family Practice Management, November/December, 2017, pp. 17-20.
- Gosfield, “The Rising Tide of Audits: How to Cope,” Dermatology World, (November 2017) pp. 17-20
- Shay, “Understanding Employment Contract Basics: Representations & Warranties,” American Society of Nuclear Cardiology blog, July 25, 2017.
- Shay, “How Secure Do You Feel About Your HIPAA Compliance Plan?”, Family Practice Management, March/April, 2017, pp. 5-9.
- Shay, “HIPAA Security Risk Assessments and Security Rule Compliance No More Flying Under the Radar,” Dermatology World, March, 2017, pp. 22-25.
- Gosfield, "The Not So Voluntary Repayment Rules: Practicalities and Pitfalls,." PA MGMA Newsletter July-Aug 2017
- Gosfield, "One Firm's Philosophy of Compliance for Physician Practices and Smaller Entities," BNA Health Law Reporter 26 HLR 1093, 7/27/17
- Shay, "Avoiding the pitfalls of social media", Dermatology World, (July, 2017) pp. 29-32.
- Shay, "The Security Risk Assessment: Keystone of Security Rule Compliance", Bloomberg BNA: Health Law Reporter, March 17, 2017, pp. 1-3
- Shay, "JumpStart: Understanding Employment Contract Basics: Term & Termination," American Society of Nuclear Cardiology blog, February 27, 2017
- Gosfield, "Voluntary Repayments: The Physician Perspective", Journal of Health Care Compliance, (Jan-Feb 2017) pp.5-9
- Shay, "Overpayments and Voluntary Repayments Under the New 60-Day Rule", Journal of Medical Practice Management, (Nov-Dec 2016) pp.195-197
- Gosfield, “The Oxymoronic Landscape of Voluntary Repayments,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2017 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Shay, “A Window Into Patient Portals: Legal and Practical Issues for Physician Practices," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2017 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from Thomson Reuters at 1-800-328-4880 or online at
- Gosfield, "The modern payer contract", Dermatology World, (November 2016) pp. 14-17
- Gosfield, "Anatomy of An Acquisition Alternative: Leasing The Practice", Journal of Medical Practice Management, (Sept-Oct 2016) pp. 83-85
- Gosfield & Shay, "Voluntary Repayments and the Obligation of Reasonable Diligence", Dermatology World, July 2016, pp. 26-28
- Gosfield, “Understanding The New 60-Day Overpayment Rule”, Family Practice Management" (May/June 2016) pp. 12-14
- Gosfield, "Regulating By FAQ", Compliance Today (March 2016), pp. 57-58
- Gosfield, “Hiding The Ball In The Age of Transparency,” Bloomberg BNA: Health Law Reporter, February 11, 2016, pp 1-3
- Gosfield, “Beyond Face Time: The Evolution of Medicare Fee For Service In A Value Driven World,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2016 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, “To Quality And Beyond! The Present and Future of Medicare’s Physician Quality Reporting Programs," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2016 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield & Shay, “To be a Stark Group Practice,” Dermatology World, September 2015, pp 14-17
- Gosfield and Shay, “"Value” as a Value: Highest and Best Use of NPPs,” The RAP Sheet, AHLA Newsletter (Vol. 18 Issue No. 2) pp. 7-10. Copyright 2015, American Health Lawyers Association, Washington, DC. Reprint permission granted.
- Gosfield, “Stark and Medicare’s Physician Reimbursement Rules: Unraveling The Knots,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2015 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, “HIPAA and Meaningful Use Audits and The Security Risk Analysis Nexus,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2015 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, “Patient Safety Organizations Can Help Providers Improve Performance and Results,” Medical Economics, Jan. 25, 2014, pp 44-48
- Gosfield & Shay, “The Modern Employment Agreement,” Dermatology World, July 2014, pp 10-12
- Gosfield, “Avoiding Landmines When Signing a Hospital Contract,” Medical Economics, Mar. 25, 2014, pp 25-29
- Gosfield, “How Clinical Integration Lowers Fraud and Abuse Risks,” Compliance Today, Sept. 2014, pp 47-50
- Shay, “Your EHR License Agreement: Critical Issues,” Journal of Medical Practice Management, July-Aug. 2014, pp 53-55
- Shay, “Navigating Physician Notices of Privacy Practices,” Compliance Today, Feb. 2014, pp 47-49
- Shay, “Physician Use of Social Media: Navigating the Risks,” Medical Economics, Aug. 25, 2014, pp 44-46
- Gosfield & Shay, “What to Ask if an ACO Comes Calling,” Dermatology World, Mar. 2014, pp 17-20
- Gosfield, "Using Patient Safety Organizations to Further Clinical Integration", Medical Practice Management, March/April 2014, pp 278-281
- Gosfield, "Five Reasons Physicians Should Use Patient Safety Organizations", BNA Health Law Reporter, 23 HLR 85 (Jan. 16 2014)
- Gosfield, "Clinical Integration and the CFO," HFMA, Dec. 2, 2013
- Gosfield, "Is Physician Employment by Health Systems an Answer?"Journal of Oncology Practice, Oct. 22, 2013, pp 1-3
- Gosfield, "Understanding the new payment models," Medical Economics, Aug. 10, 2013, pp 44-46, 49
- Gosfield, "What's Fair In Bundled Payment Contracting?" Managed Care, Oct. 2013
- Gosfield, "Physicians and Patient Safety Organizations: Furthering Clinical Integration," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2014 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, “Physicians and Social Media: Untangling the Web,” HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2014 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, “Quality fraud: Two pathways to trouble,” Compliance Today, June 2013, pp 27-30
- Gosfield and Shay, “HIPAA Again: Confronting the Updated Privacy and Security Rules,” Family Practice Management, May/June 2013, pp 18-22
- Gosfield, “The Stark realities your group needs to know,” Medical Economics, Apr. 10, 2013, pp 36-37, 39-40
- Gosfield and Shay, “May you never meet the OIG: The Work Plan,” Dermatology World, March 2013, pp 12-14
- Gosfield, "Bundled Payment: Avoiding Surprise Packages", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2013 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft For a complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, "Highest and Best Use Revisited", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2013 Edition) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft For a complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay and Gosfield, "EHR data control: a practical primer", Dermatology World (Nov 2012) pp. 10-12
- Gosfield, “Physician compensation: Stark and the new quality, value environment,” Compliance Today (Sept. 2012) pp. 24-29
- Gosfield, “Alignment Without Servitude: Leasing the Practice to the Hospital”, BNA Health Law Reporter (Sept 2012) pp. 1-4
- Gosfield, "Quality Increasingly a Factor in Physician Compensation", Medical Economics (Aug. 2012) pp. 36-42
- Gosfield and Shay, "Compliance Programs: Now More Than Ever", Dermatology World (July 2012) pp. 12-14
- Gosfield, "Avoiding Food Fights: The Value of Good Drafting to ACO Physician Participants", AHLA Physician Practice Group (June 2012) pp. 10-11
- Gosfield and Shay, “ACOs: Myths and fables debunked,” Dermatology World (March 2012) pp. 13-15
- Gosfield, "Clinical Integration Self Assessment Tool v.2.1(Network/IPA Version), Jan 2012
- Shay, "PQRS and Its Penumbra", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2012 Ed.) WestGroup, a Thomson Company, [Click here for draft]For a complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Bolstering Change: Physician Compensation for Quality and Value", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2012 Ed.) [Click here for draft] For a complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay and Gosfield, "Stark and Dermatology", DermatologyWorld (Dec 2011) pp. 14-16
- Gosfield, "Pull Up Your Socks: prepare for rapidly changing healthcare environment," Medical Economics (Dec 10, 2011)
- Shay, "Potential problems exist in the Medicare enrollment process", Medical Economics (November 25, 2011)
- Shay, "Successfully navigating the Medicare enrollment appeals process", Medical Economics (November 10, 2011)
- Shay, "Beware the pitfalls of EHR licenses, donations", Medical Economics (October 25, 2011)
- Gosfield, "Physicians Leading Change: Towards What End?" Maryland Medicine (Oct 2011) pp.10-12
- Gosfield, "Compensating Physicians for Quality and Value: A Changing Landscape", Group Practice Journal (Sept 2011), pp. 16-26
- Shay and Gosfield, "EHR donation exemption enticing but requires careful examination", DermatologyWorld (Aug 2011) pp. 14-16
- Gosfield, "Getting The EHR, Avoiding The Quicksand", ASNC (Jul/Aug 2011) p. 4
- Gosfield, “Making Clinical Integration Work”, Medical Economics (June 25, 2011) pp. 50-70.
- Gosfield, “ACOs vs. Accountable Care: Is There A Difference?” JNCCN (June 2011) pp. 587-589
- Gosfield, “What’s All the Fuss About Fraud and Abuse?” ASNC (May-June 2011) p. 4.
- Gosfield and Shay, “Medicare Enrollment: A Never-Ending High Hurdles Race,” DermWorld (April, 2011) pp. 14-16.
- Gosfield, “Medicare Enrollment: A Tougher Road to Go” ASNC (March-April 2011) p. 7.
- Gosfield, “Legal Update: Myths about Stark” American Society of Nuclear Cardiology: Imaging Update, Nov/Dec 2010, p. 5.
- Gosfield, "The New Value on Provider 'Value'", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2011 ed.) West Group. [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, "'Halt! Who Goes There?': Coping with the Continuing Crackdown on Medicare Enrollment", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2011 ed.) West Group. [Click here for draft] A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook will be available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield and Reinertsen,“Achieving Clinical Integration With Highly Engaged Physicians” (Nov 2010), 31pp.
- Shay,“Medicare Enrollment: Staying in the Game, Even When the Rules Change,” Family Practice Management (March/April 2010), pp. 35-37.
- Gosfield and Reinertsen, “Informed Consent to the Ties that Bind”, The Physician Executive (January/February 2010) pp. 6-13
- Gosfield, "Avoiding Marriage: Hospital and Physician Non-Acquisition Financial Strategies”, HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2010 ed.) West Group A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, “Physician and Hospital Quality Reporting Fraud: Risks and Compliance Methods”, HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2010 ed.) West Group A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "How to Listen to Your Lawyer”, Trustee (November/December 2009) pp. 1-3
- Gosfield, "Clinical Integration Is Back”, MGMA Connexion (November/December 2009) pp.41-44
- Gosfield, "The Quality Payment Connection: Is There Really Anything New?” Managing Health Today, Vol 13, (Dec 2008) p. 6-7
- Gosfield, “Getting the Team Paid: How Medicare Physician Payment Policies Impede Quality”, HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2009 Ed). A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, “Enrollment in Medicare: Fraternity Hazing or Keeping Out Bad Actors?” , HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2009 Ed). A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield and Reinertsen, “Avoiding Quality Fraud”, Trustee, (Sept. 2008) pp. 12-15.
- Gosfield, “Making PROMETHEUS Payment® Rates Real: Ya’Gotta’ Start Somewhere” (June 2008) 17pp
- Gosfield, “Compensation for Quality: The Next Inevitable Step”, Group Practice Journal (May 2008) pp. 11-15
- Gosfield, “Stark III: Refinement, Not Revolution (Part 1)” Family Practice Management (March 2008) pp. 25-28; (Part 2 pp. 25-27)(April 2008)
- Gosfield and Reinertsen, “Finding Common Cause in Quality: Confronting The Physician Engagement Challenge”, The Physician Executive (March-April 2008) pp. 26-31
- Gosfield, “Physician Compensation for Quality: Behind The Group’s Green Door”, HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, 2008 edition, pp. 3-44. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, “Downstreamed Physician EHR License Agreements: Understanding The Ebb and Flow”, HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, 2008 edition, pp. 45-76. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, “Physician Investment in Start-Up Device Companies: Debunking the Myths”, J. Med Prctc Mgt. (Nov/Dec 2007) pp. 191- 196
- Gosfield and Reinertsen,“Sharing the Quality Agenda with Physicians”, Trustee, (October 2007) pp12-17
- Gosfield, “Physician-Hospital Partnerships: What Really Counts?”, Journal of Oncology Practice (May 2007), Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 133-134.
- Gosfield, “Doing What Really Matters: The Compliance Connection to Healthcare Quality”, Journal of Health Care Compliance (May-June 2007), Vol. 9, Number 3, pp 43-45.
- Gosfield, “A New Payment Model For Quality: Why Care Now?”, American Journal of Medical Quality (2007 Ed.), pp 145-147).
- Reinertsen, Gosfield, Rupp and Whittington, "Engaging Physicians in a Shared Quality Agenda." IHI Innovation Series white paper. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2007.
- Shay, “Top 10 Questions to Ask When Looking at an EHR License Agreement,” Journal of Medical Practice Management, November-December 2006 Ed. (pp. 138-140)
- Gosfield, "The PROMETHEUS Payment Program: A Legal Blueprint", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, 2007 Ed., WestGroup. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, "Four Out of Five Doctors Need to Know: Legalities of Physician Advertising," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, 2007 Ed., WestGroup. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "PROMETHEUS Payment: Better Quality and A Better Business Case", JNCCN (Nov. 2006) pp. 968-970
- Gosfield, "PROMETHEUS Payment®: Better for Patients, Better for Physicians." Journal of Medical Practice Management (September/October 2006) Pages 100-104
- Gosfield and Reinertsen, "In Common Cause for Quality Part 1: New Hospital-Physician Collaborations," Hospitals and Health Networks Online, October 10, 2006
- Gosfield, "In Common Cause for Quality Part 2: PROMETHEUS Payment® and Principles of Engagement", Hospitals and Health Networks Online, October 17, 2006
- Gosfield, "PROMETHEUS Payment: Getting Beyond", Group Practice Journal (October 2006) pp. 14-19
- Gosfield, "In Common Cause for Quality", 2006 HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, WestGroup. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Enhancing Oncology's Business Case: How the Hospital Can Help", Journal of Oncology Practice (Jan. 2006) pp. 18-20
- Shay, "A Primer on Electronic Health Records License Agreements", 2006 HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, WestGroup. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield and Reinertsen, "The 100,000 Lives Campaign: Crystallizing Standards of Care For Hospitals," Health Affairs (Nov/Dec 2005) pp. 1560-1570
- Gosfield, "Radiologists and Their Business Significant Others: Underappreciated Traps in Stark”, RBMA Journal
- Gosfield, “Understanding Contracts: The Glue of Modern Business Relationships” Anesthesia Business Consultants, The Communiqué (Summer 2005) pp6-15
- Gosfield, “Better Quality, Better Margins: Seizing the Moment”, Community Oncology, Vol 2, No 5; (September/October 2005) pp 441-444
- Gosfield, “The Quality Compliance Nexus: Appreciating the Connection”, New Perspectives, Journal of the Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors, Volume 24, No. 3 (Summer 2005) pgs. 26-28
- Gosfield and Reinertsen, "CPGs: Think Core Concept," Health Affairs (May/June 2005) pp. 385-386
- Gosfield, "The Hidden Costs of Free Lunches: Fraud and Abuse in Physician Pharmaceutical Relationships," J. Med. Practice Mgt. (Mar/Apr 2005), pp.253-258
- Gosfield, "The Organized Medical Staff: Should Anyone Care Anymore?" J. Med Practice Mgt. (Jan/Feb 2005) pp. 210-216
- Gosfield, "The Performance Measures Ball: Too Many Tunes, Too Many Dancers?," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2005 ed) West, A Thomson Company. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Shay, "Commerce in Provider Data: What, Why and Provider Contractual Controls", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK (2005 ed) West, A Thomson Company. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Pay for Performance Contracting: Bold Leaps or Baby Steps?" Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare (Oct/Dec 2004)
- Gosfield, "Pay for Performance: Transitional at Best”, Managed Care (Jan. 2005)
- Gosfield, “Is Your Group a Group? How the Stark Law Applies to You”, Physicians’ Practice (2004)
- Gosfield, "The Doctor-Patient Relationship As The Business Case for Quality," Journal of Health Law (Spring 2004), Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 197-223
- Gosfield, “Contracting for Quality: Then, Now and P4P”, HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, 2004 Ed,WestGroup, A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, “Ten Myths About the Stark Statute Debunked”, Journal of Medical Practice Management, Jan/Feb, 2004, pp. 200-203
- Gosfield, “The Stark Truth About Stark: Part I”, Family Practice Management (Nov/Dec.2003) pp. 27-33, Part II, (Feb, 2004) “The Stark Truth About Stark: Part II”
- Gosfield, “Decoding the Myths: Physician Supervision in Medicare” MGMA Connexion (August 2003) pp. 50-53
- Gosfield and Reinertsen, "Doing Well by Doing Good: Improving the Business Case for Quality," (June, 2003)
- Gosfield, "Diagnostic Testing and Medicare: How to Get Paid without Getting in Trouble," Family Practice Management (June, 2003)
- Gosfield, "Whither Medical Staffs?: Rethinking the Role of the Staff in the New Quality Era," HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, (2003 ed) WestGroup, pp 141-218 . A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Making Quality Happen: Confronting the External Challenges to Time and Healing Relationships", Healthcare Leadership and Management Report, August, 2002
- Gosfield, "More But Not So Much Merrier: 2002 Legal Issues," in Wilson, ed., 2002 YEARBOOK OF OPHTHAMOLOGY, MOSBY, Inc., St. Louis, MO, pp, 321-328
- Gosfield, "Medicare Diagnostic Testing Supervision: Metaphysics, Stark and Reality" RBMA Bulletin, (Nov. 2002)
- Gosfield, "Making Quality Happen: In Search of Legal Weightlessness", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK, 2002 Ed., WestGroup pp. 609-678, (1-800-326-4880). A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "The Ins and Outs of "Incident-To" Reimbursement", Family Practice Management (November/December 2001) pp.23-27
- Gosfield, "Legal Mandates for Physician Quality: Beyond Risk Management" HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK 2001 ed., The West Group pp. 286-321. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Health Care Report Cards: Quality in The Public's Cross-Hairs", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK 2000 ed., The West Group, pp. 501-541. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Liability for Quality: A Modest Proposal", Managed Care & Cancer, January/February 2000, pp. 11-12
- Gosfield, "Oncology Disease Management: Practical and Legal Issues", Oncology (November, 1999)
- Gosfield, "Integrating Clinical Guidelines into Administrative Processes Can Lower Risk", Journal of Health Care Compliance (September/October 1999) pp. 9-15
- Gosfield, "How Group Practices Can Avoid Managed Care Contracting Pitfalls", Healthcare Financial Management Journal (July 1999) pp. 37-39
- Gosfield, "Fraud and Abuse in Managed Care: Avoiding the Approaching Storm", 40 Healthplan (May/June 1999) pp. 109-114
- Gosfield, "Highest and Best Use: Non-Physician Practitioners and Physicians Under Medicare", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK 1999 ed., The West Group. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Legal Issues in Hospital Report Cards" in Spath, ed., Public Oriented Provider Report Cards, American Hospital Publishing
- Gosfield, "Assessing the Risks of Physician False Claims Enforcement", Journal of Healthcare Compliance (Jan/Feb 1999) pp.52-53
- Gosfield, "Demonstrating Oncology Provider Value: Data, Guidelines and the Law", ONCOLOGY; Vol. 12, No.11A; (November, 1998) pp. 157-161
- Gosfield, Quality and Clinical Culture: The Critical Role of Physicians in Accountable Health Care Organizations American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1998, pp. 24 (Go To Article)
- Gosfield, "Physicians and Compliance Plans: Walking the Walk, Not Just Talking The Talk", The Internist, Vol. 39, No. 4, July/August 1998;pp.10-13
- Gosfield, "Disease Management, Demand Management and Telemedicine: The Leading Edge of Managing Care", HEALTH LAW HANDBOOK 1998 Ed., The West Group, pp. 235-265. Copyright Thomson Reuters. A complete copy of the Health Law Handbook is available from West at 1-800-382-9252 or online at
- Gosfield, "Legal Issues in Managed Care: The Pediatrician's Perspective", Pediatric Annals 27:4 (April, 1998) pp.225-233
- Gosfield, "Avoiding Fraud and Abuse in Medicare Claims: What FPs Need to Know", Family Practice Management, (September, 1997) pp. 73-82
- Gosfield, "The Law and the Changing Physician Environment", In Wilson, 1997 YEAR BOOK OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, Mosby, 1997, pp.453-499
- Gosfield, "The Changing Face of Liability in Managed Care", Today's Internist (July / August, 1997) pp. 6-11
- Gosfield, "Who is Holding Whom Accountable for Quality?", 16 Health Affairs, pp.26-40 (May- June 1997)